Traxx and Periodixx are a unique exposure technology with “zero-stitching-error”. Exclusively available for Raith electron and ion beam lithography systems, no other vector scan EBL system provides this functionality.
In Traxx exposure mode, the beam movement is defined such that the combination of repetitive patterning and synchronized continuous movement of the Laser Interferometer Stage results in stitch-free, strip-shaped periodic structures. Periodixx on the contrary allows continuous writing of elongated paths like optical waveguides without stitching, where the width of the path is defined by a dynamic beam expansion.
Patterns can be several millimeters to centimeters long, while maintaining lateral dimensions below 20nm up to micrometers with minimum line edge roughness.
Combination of conventional and FBMS lithography stretching over a very large area on Arrayed Waveguide Grating (AWG) with couplers, R. Schmits, TNO Delft, Netherlands
Several mm long! Straight, curved and Tapered features
Honeycomb Structure
Area grating with a pitch of 1 µm, fabricated by “stitching” 50 µm wide strips patterned using MBMS.
Stitch-free photonic crystal waveguides 1 mm in length fabricated by MBMS. Figure a) shows an overview with 5 waveguides (optical microscope, 10×). Figure b) was made out of 10 SEM images with a size of 10 × 10 µm.